
Signs and symptoms

Osteoporosis itself has no specific symptoms; its main consequence is the increased risk of bone fractures. Osteoporotic fractures are those that occur in situations where healthy people would not normally break a bone; they are therefore regarded as fragility fractures. Typical fragility fractures occur in the vertebral column, rib, hip and wrist.

[edit] Fractures

The symptoms of a vertebral collapse ("compression fracture") are sudden back pain, often with radiculopathic pain (shooting pain due to nerve compression) and rarely with spinal cord compression or cauda equina syndrome. Multiple vertebral fractures lead to a stooped posture, loss of height, and chronic pain with resultant reduction in mobility.[4]

Fractures of the long bones acutely impair mobility and may require surgery. Hip fracture, in particular, usually requires prompt surgery, as there are serious risks associated with a hip fracture, such as deep vein thrombosis and a pulmonary embolism, and increased mortality.

[edit] Falls risk

The increased risk of falling associated with aging leads to fractures of the wrist, spine and hip. The risk of falling, in turn, is increased by impaired eyesight due to any cause (e.g. glaucoma, macular degeneration), balance disorder, movement disorders (e.g. Parkinson's disease), dementia, and sarcopenia (age-related loss of skeletal muscle). Collapse (transient loss of postural tone with or without loss of consciousness) leads to a significant risk of falls; causes of syncope are manifold but may include cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heart beat), vasovagal syncope, orthostatic hypotension (abnormal drop in blood pressure on standing up) and seizures. Removal of obstacles and loose carpets in the living environment may substantially reduce falls. Those with previous falls, as well as those with a gait or balance disorder, are most at risk.[5]


The underlying mechanism in all cases of osteoporosis is an imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation. In normal bone, there is constant matrix remodeling of bone; up to 10% of all bone mass may be undergoing remodeling at any point in time. The process takes place in bone multicellular units (BMUs) as first described by Frost in 1963.[2] Bone is resorbed by osteoclast cells (which derive from the bone marrow), after which new bone is deposited by osteoblast cells. [3]

The three main mechanisms by which osteoporosis develops are an inadequate peak bone mass (the skeleton develops insufficient mass and strength during growth), excessive bone resorption and inadequate formation of new bone during remodeling. An interplay of these three mechanisms underlies the development of fragile bone tissue.[3] Hormonal factors strongly determine the rate of bone resorption; lack of estrogen (e.g. as a result of menopause) increases bone resorption as well as decreasing the deposition of new bone that normally takes place in weight-bearing bones. The amount of estrogen needed to suppress this process is lower than that normally needed to stimulate the uterus and breast gland. The α-form of the estrogen receptor appears to be the most important in regulating bone turnover.[3] In addition to estrogen, calcium metabolism plays a significant role in bone turnover, and deficiency of calcium and vitamin D leads to impaired bone deposition; in addition, the parathyroid glands react to low calcium levels by secreting parathyroid hormone (parathormone, PTH), which increases bone resorption to ensure sufficient calcium in the blood. The role of calcitonin, a hormone generated by the thyroid that increases bone deposition, is less clear and probably not as significant as that of PTH.[3]
Osteoblasts, several displaying a prominent Golgi apparatus, actively synthesizing osteoid containing two osteocytes.

The activation of osteoclasts is regulated by various molecular signals, of which RANKL (receptor activator for nuclear factor κB ligand) is one of best studied. This molecule is produced by osteoblasts and other cells (e.g. lymphocytes), and stimulates RANK (receptor activator of nuclear factor κB). Osteoprotegerin (OPG) binds RANKL before it has an opportunity to bind to RANK, and hence suppresses its ability to increase bone resorption. RANKL, RANK and OPG are closely related to tumor necrosis factor and its receptors. The role of the wnt signalling pathway is recognized but less well understood. Local production of eicosanoids and interleukins is thought to participate in the regulation of bone turnover, and excess or reduced production of these mediators may underlie the development of osteoporosis.[3]

Trabecular bone is the sponge-like bone in the ends of long bones and vertebrae. Cortical bone is the hard outer shell of bones and the middle of long bones. Because osteoblasts and osteoclasts inhabit the surface of bones, trabecular bone is more active, more subject to bone turnover, to remodeling. Not only is bone density decreased, but the microarchitecture of bone is disrupted. The weaker spicules of trabecular bone break ("microcracks"), and are replaced by weaker bone. Common osteoporotic fracture sites, the wrist, the hip and the spine, have a relatively high trabecular bone to cortical bone ratio. These areas rely on trabecular bone for strength, and therefore the intense remodeling causes these areas to degenerate most when the remodeling is imbalanced.


Osteoporosis is a disease of bone that leads to an increased risk of fracture. In osteoporosis the bone mineral density (BMD) is reduced, bone microarchitecture is disrupted, and the amount and variety of non-collagenous proteins in bone is altered. Osteoporosis is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) in women as a bone mineral density 2.5 standard deviations below peak bone mass (20-year-old healthy female average) as measured by DXA; the term "established osteoporosis" includes the presence of a fragility fracture.[1] Osteoporosis is most common in women after menopause, when it is called postmenopausal osteoporosis, but may also develop in men, and may occur in anyone in the presence of particular hormonal disorders and other chronic diseases or as a result of medications, specifically glucocorticoids, when the disease is called steroid- or glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (SIOP or GIOP). Given its influence is the risk of fragility fracture, osteoporosis may significantly affect life expectancy and quality of life.

Osteoporosis can be prevented with lifestyle changes and sometimes medication; in people with osteoporosis, treatment may involve both. Lifestyle change includes preventing falls and exercise; medication includes calcium, vitamin D, bisphosphonates and several others. Fall-prevention advice includes exercise to tone deambulatory muscles, proprioception-improvement exercises; equilibrium therapies may be included. Exercise with its anabolic effect, may at the same time stop or reverse osteoporosis.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Osteoporosis: a Silent Killer of Bones

Osteoporosis is a bone disease. It is virtually a disease on account of which the bones generally become fragile and weak. Osteoporosis if not taken proper care of lead may to the breakage of the bones thus leading to a fracture. Osteoporosis generally is found to be very much typical in certain parts of the body, say for instance in the hips, wrists, spinal cord and also in the vertebras. Osteoporosis is like a silent killer which attacks an individual without prior symptoms.

Simply a sneezing, a tight hug, stepping, bending down to get something can cause Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is also known by another name called "porous bone." There are certain factors which are associated with Osteoporosis. These factors are termed as "Risk Factors." Some of the factors are as mentioned below:

• Gender: Sex plays a major concern in the occurrence of Osteoporosis. Females have a more probability of being attacked with Osteoporosis than the male generation. Sometimes Osteoporosis is also related with menopause. Osteoporosis is estimated to have been attacking the women folk as and when they reach the stage of menopause. Thus when a woman reaches the age of around 45 years and when she is attacked with menopause that is when she experiences the stoppage of menstruation, the velocity of Osteoporosis is found to be more.
• Age: Age is yet another risk factor of Osteoporosis. The more a person advances in age, the more is the risk of being attacked with Osteoporosis. It is generally during the old age that the bones become very much weak and fragile and thus they are prone to get attacked with Osteoporosis.
• Body dimensions: Women with thin and lean body physique have more the chance of being attacked with Osteoporosis.
• Ethnicity: Ethnicity plays a major role in respect of Osteoporosis. Here we can state that Asian as well as the Caucasian women folk has a high risk of Osteoporosis then when compared to American, African and Latin women.
• Hereditary: Family history is also adversely related with Osteoporosis. Present generation whose fore-fathers suffered from Osteoporosis, has more risk of Osteoporosis.

Besides these, anorexia, certain medications, smoking of cigarette, excessive drinking of alcohol and also maintenance of a low lifetime diet with less amount of vitamin D and calcium also causes Osteoporosis.

As it is always said that prevention is better then cure, thus Osteoporosis can also be prevented by undertaking certain precautions in the early stage of one's development. As the demand of calcium is found to be very high in the growing stage of one's development, thus a good amount of calcium products should be undertaken from the early developmental stages. Inadequacy of calcium in one's body has a greater prospect to be affected by Osteoporosis. So it is always advisable to undertake certain calcium products in one's diet like yogurt, milk, cheese, ice cream, green and leafy vegetables, like broccoli, spinach etc, fish like salmon and sardines, dry fruits like almonds, juices and squash etc. Thus according to the different stages of one's development right from the stage of infancy to old age, the intake of calcium should be adjusted accordingly in order to prevent Osteoporosis.

5 Osteoporosis Facts! Sorting the Myths From the Facts of Osteoporosis!

A lot more is known about Osteoporosis than a few years ago but the myths and lies of the corporations that benefit from the sales of ineffectual and even dangerous drugs still persist. These Osteoporosis facts will destroy many of the myths and beliefs long held in the community about this bone condition!

Osteoporosis Fact 1 - Low estrogen levels do not cause osteoporosis!

For many years the public and medical profession has been fed incorrect information about how Osteoporosis works and how it can be treated. By redefining the condition, meddling with statistics and withholding vital medical information from tests the big drug companies that had been looking for a way to sell their hormone replacement pills had found a new market.
By convincing the populace with a major marketing campaign the companies whose estrogen supplements had suffered a major loss as research showed it had major side effects with cancer being the major problem. Suddenly it seemed common knowledge that lack of Estrogen which occurs in older women after menopause was what caused low bone density!
This was not true but the marketing campaign backed by corrupt studies had everyone convinced so the sales of these products despite their risks skyrocketed.
There is in fact no proof that low estrogen levels causes Osteoporosis. Women from many cultures have been tested and it is found that older women from all over the world do suffer any major Osteoporosis problems on the whole.

Osteoporosis Fact 2 - Increasing calcium intake will not stop Osteoporosis!

Osteoporosis and lower bone density does have a lot to do with calcium in that the condition strips calcium from the bone leaving it frail. However drinking more milk and eating more dairy is not the answer. Our modern western lifestyles that are high in protein and dairy actually leaves our blood much more acidic than other people, this acidic blood strips calcium from the bone to equalize the bloods acid level but that calcium is not replaced. Unfortunately dairy food while high in calcium also increases the bloods acid levels making it of little benefit to someone already on the way to Osteoporosis.
To back this up there have been studies that have shown that people from traditionally low dairy diets in certain parts of the world do not suffer Osteoporosis to any great degree!

Osteoporosis Fact 3 - Osteoporosis is not genetic!

As with the last point we see that Osteoporosis is caused by conditions in our diet, not by the predisposition of our parents. Some people may be more at risk than others due to different body types but Osteoporosis is certainly a lifestyle condition more than anything else.

Osteoporosis Fact 4 - Osteoporosis is not about age!

Some people believe that Osteoporosis is just another part of getting old. While it is more noticeable in older people this is caused by a lifetime of problems that have led to the conditions that will show themselves later in life. The truth is that this condition is preventable with he right diet and exercise, especially weight bearing and resistance exercise that helps in bone development.

Osteoporosis Fact 5 - You can cure Osteoporosis!

Osteoporosis is not some disease that when you have it you must suffer it forever, it is a reversible condition! While prevention is easier and better than curing Osteoporosis building healthy bones from a low bone density base can be done by changing your lifestyle with diet and exercise!

Osteoporosis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Basically, osteoporosis means porous bones. In the Greek it translates as "passages through bones." (This makes perfect sense if you look at the images of osteoporotic bone as opposed to normal bone.) Osteoporosis is a silent disease in that there is no physical sensation associated with it. Some people experience back, neck, or joint pain with fractures, but most do not. Even so, Americans experience 1.5 million osteoporotic fractures per year.

Causes of Osteoporosis

Causes of osteoporosis are heredity and lifestyle. Whites and Asians, tall and thin women and those with a history of osteoporosis are those at the highest risk of getting osteoporosis. The behavioral causes of increasing the risk of osteoporosis are smoking, alcohol abuse, prolonged inactivity and a diet low in calcium. There are also some diseases that are associated with aging that cause osteoporosis, which include kidney failure, liver disease, cancers, Paget´s disease, endocrine or glandular diseases, gonadal failure and rheumatoid arthritis. There are some medications like steroids, seizure drugs, thyroid hormone and blood thinners that are also found to cause osteoporosis.

Symptoms of Osteoporosis

In the beginning of the disease no symptoms of the disease are seen because osteoporosis doesn't cause symptoms unless bone fractures. Some osteoporosis fractures may escape detection until years later. Patient may not be aware of the disease until they experience painful fracture. Typical osteoporosis fractures occur in hip, vertebral column and wrist. These type of fractures can cause acute radiculopathic pains in the back. Multiple vertebral fractures can cause loss of height and defect in posture.

Back pain, which can be severe if you have a fractured or collapsed vertebra.

Loss of height over time, with an accompanying stooped posture.

Having Osteoporosis symptoms means that your bones will become very brittle and that without to much effort your bones will break or fracture. A simple fall or a knock can break things like your leg bones, hip bones, and wrist bones.

Osteoporosis symptoms are usually very hard to detect and in most cases the first you will know about whether you have Osteoporosis or not is when you end up in hospital due to a broken or fractured bone.

Treatment of Osteoporosis

Treatment for osteoporosis is hormone replacement therapy, where drugs are used to restore estrogen and progesterone levels that are lost due to menopause. However, it should be remembered that long-term use of HRT is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease and stroke. Calcitonin is another hormone that breaks down a bone; its supplements are injected for treatment of osteoporosis. Biphosphates are injected as a treatment to decrease the effects of osteoclasts, which leads to less bone breaking down, without a decrease in bone density. This is ideally taken daily, once a week or once monthly. Those past menopause who do not take HRT take an oral medication of Raloxifene, which acts like estrogen in some parts of the body without actually causing a general estrogen effect.

Should You Take Drugs to Combat Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disease, which means that it progresses over time. In order to determine if you have osteoporosis, it is ideal to visit your doctor for a bone density test. Once your doctor has confirmed that you have this bone condition, it is important to take osteoporosis medication or other treatment options into consideration.

First and foremost, it is important to make sure that you follow your doctor’s instructions in regards to any type of osteoporosis treatment medication. Be sure to remind your doctor of any health conditions or medications that you may currently be on, in order to insure that they will not interfere with treatment options.

That said, there are several osteoporosis medications and treatments that you should know about.

Bisphosphonates are the most common type of osteoporosis treatment medication that is used to prevent further bone density from being lost. Some of the most popular brand name medications that fall under this category of prescription drugs include Fosamax, Actonel and Boniva.

However although these are some of the more popular osteoporosis medications, they are not without their detractors. Fosamax, in particular, is the subject of one internet forum where users of the drug report a wide range of unpleasant and unwanted side effects.

Your doctor will also probably recommend a vitamin supplement as an additional osteoporosis medication. Certain vitamins, such as Calcium and Vitamin D, can slow down the process of osteoporosis. A diet which consists of a high amount of both of these vitamins, as well as other essential nutrients, is a main key to prevention of osteoporosis.

Research has shown that changes in diet can have a beneficial effect on osteoporosis, however a change in diet does not, of itself, constitute a complete osteoporosis treatment.

Research has also shown that there can be major steps taken towards combating osteoporosis by the use of high quality dietary supplements. Good quality nutritional supplements (and there are some very bad quality ones around) can help in the battle against this degenerative bone condition, and should be part of any total solution to osteoporosis.

There is also a good chance that your doctor will recommend you to stay active if you have osteoporosis. Exercise is known to work as an osteoporosis treatment medication, as it can help keep the bones in good health. A regular exercise routine is a main key to osteoporosis prevention and treatment.

The right treatment for osteoporosis varies according to person. What works for some may not work for others. Generally, however, a combination of dietary changes and high quality nutritional supplements aimed specifically at combating is ideal for the best results.

Once your doctor has confirmed that you have lost bone density or you have osteoporosis, it is important to talk about which osteoporosis medication is the right choice for you.

And remember, not all nutritional supplements are good quality, and it may surprise you to find out which company manufactures the best nutritional supplements. They certainly don't sell them in your local drugstore.

You've Got Osteoporosis. What Do You Do?

Osteoporosis, a degenerative disease, is not something that anyone wants to experience. In order to reverse the effects that osteoporosis can have on the body, it is important to know what the signs of this serious condition are. Here is an overview of the symptoms of osteoporosis, as well as what you can do once you notice that they are affecting you.

The most important thing that you should keep in mind is that osteoporosis symptoms often remain hidden until it is too late. In a lot of situations, the first and only sign of osteoporosis is a bone fracture. This can happen to the wrist, hip or spine and can occur for numerous reasons. However, some people do experience some symptoms related to osteoporosis before this happens.

One of the main symptoms of osteoporosis is a change in the spine. This is what causes people who have osteoporosis to look shorter and bent over. While it is perfectly normal for height to slightly decline when people grow older, no more than one inch should be lost. If this does happen, it is a common symptom indicating a person may be experiencing osteoporosis.

Another one of the osteoporosis symptoms that you should watch out for is back pain. There is a strong possibility that this may be an indicator of a back fracture. Back pain also is known to occur when the body begins to curve over. If this is something that you have experiencing, it is best to visit your doctor to schedule a test for osteoporosis.

Note that osteoporosis is a condition that is more likely to affect you as you get older, and so if you are, say, over 50, you should be extra vigilant for observing for symptoms of osteoporosis. But it is also possible for younger people to experience osteoporosis too. So don't assume that if you're younger you are immune from osteoporosis symptoms, be prepared to be vigilant all of your life.

Keep in mind that there are a number of different ways to naturally prevent or treat the symptoms of osteoporosis. Although the amount of bone density that you lose cannot be entirely treated, the effects of osteoporosis can be reversed and further prevented. Some of the ways for this to happen include eating a well balanced diet, staying active and taking supplements for Calcium and Vitamin D.

Osteoporosis symptoms are not something to take lightly. This health condition is very serious and if you believe that you may have it, it is best to talk to a doctor about it. Determining the causes and finding a treatment option is very important to overcoming this degenerative health condition. If you begin to notice any symptoms of osteoporosis, you also may want to implement these natural prevention and treatment methods into your life.

And there are companies, one in particular, which are producing highly effective natural and organic treatments for osteoporosis, so if you're experiencing some of the symptoms of osteoporosis then there are natural treatments available. It isn't always necessary to turn to drugs.

Causes of Osteoporosis, Symptoms of Osteoporosis and Treatment

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones characterized by a decrease in bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to bone fragility and increased susceptibility to fractures of the hip, spine and wrist.

The word "osteoporosis" literally means "porous bones." Osteoporosis (pronounced OSS-tee-o-puh-RO-sis) occurs when bones begin to lose some of their essential elements. The most important of these elements is calcium. Over time, bone mass decreases. As a result, bones lose their strength, become fragile, and break easily. In extreme cases, even a sneeze or a sudden movement may be enough to break a bone.

Osteoporosis affects millions of older adults, usually striking after 60. Although it is most commonly found in women, it is not unheard of in men. Osteoporosis can be very far along before it became noticeable. Sometimes the first sign is a broken bone in the hip, spine, or wrist after a bump or fall. As the disease gets worse, other signs may appear such as pain in the back and ultimately, a curved backbone.

Causes of Osteoporosis

The average rate of bone loss in men, and in women who have not reached menopause, is actually quite small. However, after menopause, the bone loss in women accelerates to an average of one to two percent a year. It is after menopause that the level of the female hormone estrogen in a woman’s body decreases sharply. Estrogen is a hormone that is important in protecting the skeleton by helping the body’s bone forming cells to keep working. So after menopause, this protection can be considered lost as the level of estrogen decreases.

Other causes of osteoporosis are heredity and lifestyle. Whites and Asians, tall and thin women and those with a history of osteoporosis are those at the highest risk of getting osteoporosis. The behavioral causes of increasing the risk of osteoporosis are smoking, alcohol abuse, prolonged inactivity and a diet low in calcium.

Symptoms and Treatment

Usually, osteoporosis does not cause any symptoms at first. Osteoporosis is often called the "silent" disease, because bone loss occurs without symptoms. People often don't know they have the disease until a bone breaks, frequently in a minor fall that wouldn't normally cause a fracture. Many people confuse osteoporosis with arthritis
and believe they can wait for symptoms such as swelling and joint pain to occur before seeing a doctor. It should be stressed that the mechanisms

Treatment for osteoporosis includes eating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, getting regular exercise, and taking medication to reduce bone loss and increase bone thickness. It's important to take calcium and vitamin D supplements along with any medicines you take for osteoporosis. Even small changes in diet, exercise, and medicine can help prevent spine and hip fractures. Adults who adopt healthy habits can slow the progress of osteoporosis.

Think calcium, eat calcium. Learn to love tofu, tinned sardines and salmon and dark green leafy vegetables. Dairy produce and calcium enhanced foods are good calcium replenishments for bone.


Avoid Brittle Bones With Natural Osteoporosis Treatments

Osteoporosis is a common condition which can affect both men and women. Since osteoporosis is a degenerative disease, bone density is lost over time. It is possible to reverse the side effects of osteoporosis, however. Before you try any osteoporosis treatment, it is a good idea to consult your doctor.

However, if you have found that the latest treatment for brittle bones just does ever seem to work for you, then it may time to try some different and more natural osteoporosis treatments.

The first natural treatment that you will want to think about is your diet. For years, people with this serious health disease have been told that their diets should mainly consist of high amounts of Calcium. The latest treatment for osteoporosis and treating the bone disease shows that more than Calcium is needed in the diets of those who suffer from osteoporosis.

A diet which consists mainly of fruits and vegetables, as well as a minimal amount of saturated and trans fat, is ideal for someone with this health condition. Keep in mind that a well balanced diet will not only help treat osteoporosis, but it will help prevent this disease from occurring at all.

Another main key to naturally preventing and treating osteoporosis is a regular exercise routine. Remaining active will help ensure that your bones stay healthy and strong. Of course, this is not only an osteoporosis treatment, but a treatment for almost everything.

If you follow a regular exercise routine, as well as a healthy diet, you will also be able to prevent yourself from experiencing other conditions aside from osteoporosis.

Finally, if have had no success with the latest treatment for osteoporosis, you may want to think about taking a supplement. There are several different supplements that doctors recommend as treatment options for osteoporosis. Calcium and Vitamin D are both known to prevent further loss in bone density.

Whether you take these supplements individually or you opt for a multi-vitamin, this is a very effective and natural osteoporosis treatment. And it is better if you take a complete balanced nutritional supplement rather than a simple vitamin supplement as the body needs a wide range of vitamins and minerals in balance to operate to it's optimum.

As you can see, there are several different options available for those who are looking for a natural and organic method of treating osteoporosis. Rather than just looking for the latest treatment for osteoporosis you may want to consider combining a well balanced diet, exercise routine and the best organic and natural supplements into your life. This may well be far healthier than just a drug based approach.

And there is a company out there manufacturing some of the finest natural organic osteoporosis treatments around, and I'll bet you've never even heard of them.

Know Nuances of Osteoporosis and Know How to Combat it

You have heard of bone fracture, have heard of weakness in bones. But did you know the cause? You might have heard of Osteoporosis, but this mumble-jumble you did care for. You don’t want to get into the medical jargons, but the fact is most of the people are unaware of what osteoporosis is and how it affects them. Here is a brief overview of what does osteoporosis mean and how to combat it.

What is osteoporosis:

Osteoporosis is the loss of bone mass that creates problems like broken bones, particularly in the spine, hip, and wrist. Well, osteoporosis occurs due to imbalance between new bone formation and old bone absorption. If you are lacking calcium and phosphorus in your body then also you get pain in your bones. So, the doctor recommends calcium and phosphorus in your diet. It occurs mostly in women and mostly found in whites or Asian women with a family member with osteoporosis. At the initial stages, it may not let you know the pain or anything, but in later stage it cause pain in the bones, joints, particularly low back pain and neck pain.

Treatment and managing osteoporosis:

In the course of treatment doctors mainly focus on reducing the minerals, calcium and phosphorus loss and give medicine that prevents pain. Doctors also suggest taking balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D and strictly say no to tobacco or alcohol intake.

You can deal with osteoporosis by taking calcium and vitamin D in your diet, doing weight bearing exercises, healthy life style with no smoking and alcohols and can visit to doctor to take proper medication.

Prevention of osteoporosis:

Although osteoporosis is regarded as incurable, it can be prevented. Prevention includes patient education and early recognition of the symptoms and signs. Take the help of physiotherapists and doctors if osteoporosis is a concern for you.

Education regarding Osteoporosis is an important matter. Instruct children, adolescents, and their families and say that the roots of adult-onset osteoporosis begin in childhood. To combat this at the initial stage, one has to do a lot of exercises. It is proved that established that regular weight-bearing exercise, such as jumping, in school-age children improves bone mass.

Menopause and Osteoporosis Treatment

Menopause is simply the name given to the last menstrual period. Menopause is characterized by the loss of estrogen production by the ovaries. Menopausal and postmenopausal women are especially prone to osteoporosis, about half of them will develop this disease. The menstrual blood is partly blood and partly tissue from inside the uterus, or womb. It passes out of the body through the vagina. Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is a group of symptoms that start before the period. Approximately 1 percent of women experience menopause before age 40. Osteoporosis is a silent disease. Osteoporosis leads to literally abnormally porous bone that is more compressible like a sponge, than dense like a brick.

Osteoporosis is a condition that features loss of the normal density of bone and fragile bone. Some osteoporosis fractures may escape detection until years later. The osteoporosis condition can operate silently for decades, because osteoporosis doesn't cause symptoms unless bone fractures. Osteoporosis is more common in older individuals and non-Hispanic white women, but can occur at any age, in men as well as in women, and in all ethnic groups. Many factors will increase your risk of developing osteoporosis and suffering a fracture. Major risk factors include Older age (starting in the mid-30s but accelerating after 50 years of age) ,non-hispanic white and Asian ethnic background ,small bone structure ,family history of osteoporosis or osteoporosis-related fracture in a parent or sibling.

There are several alternatives of medication to treat osteoporosis. Medications such as risedronate ibondronate raloxifene alendronate and calcitonin-salmon. To keep bones strong, eat a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, exercise and do not smoke. If needed, medicines can also help. Calcium and vitamin D supplements also help Osteoporosis . Other treatment is estrogen therapy ,weight-bearing exercises and injectable teriparatide. A proper nutrition is a diet sufficient in calcium and vitamin D. Patients at risk for osteoporosis are generally treated with vitamin D and calcium supplements. Avoid excess alcohol intake. Bisphosphonate is the main drug for treatment. Calcitonin (Calcimar, Miacalcin) a hormone made from the thyroid gland, is given usually as a nasal spray or as an injection under the skin.

Osteoporosis Treatment Tips

Teriparatide (Forteo, recombinant parathyroid hormone 1-34) has been shown to be effective in osteoporosis.

Bisphosphonate is the main drug for treatment.

Changes to lifestyle factors and diet are also recommended, both regarding nutrition and exercise.

Weight-bearing exercise is of great importance for people suffering from the osteoporosis

Stopping use of alcohol and cigarettes.

Treat underlying medical conditions that can cause osteoporosis.

Minimize or change medications that can cause osteoporosis.

Menopause Treatment Tips

1. Healthy life helps to control menopause weight gain.

2. Menopause weight gain can be controlled with alternative medicine.

3. Testosterone helps your body to create lean muscle mass out of the calories that you take in.

4. Avoid crash diets.

5. Starvation will only cause your metabolism to slow down, causing you to gain more weight later on.

6. Menopausal women tend to exercise less than other women, which can lead to weight gain.


Diagnosing Osteoporosis - Solving The Broken Bones Mystery

Diagnosing Osteoporosis - Solving The Broken Bones Mystery

Osteoporosis can occur when there is a loss of bone density and strength due to a variety of factors.

Osteoporosis may be related to aging, certain types of medications, or other health related conditions. A diagnosis of osteoporosis is often made while diagnosing a fracture.

It is important that osteoporosis is diagnosed early so that accurate and aggressive treatment management can occur in order to reach the best outcome.

Not only the financial cost but the health costs associated with a missed diagnosis of or even an inaccurate diagnosis of osteoporosis can be very high. The health consequences associated with an inaccurate or omitted diagnosis of osteoporosis can be seen for years to come.

When initially diagnosed saying osteoporosis, your physician must make the determination of whether the osteoporosis is a primary or secondary diagnosis. Primary osteoporosis means it that the diagnosis is a stand-alone diagnosis, meaning that there is no other health issue that is causing it.

However, with a secondary diagnosis of osteoporosis this means that there is another health condition which is causing the osteoporosis. Some other health conditions which can lead to a secondary diagnosis of osteoporosis include conditions such as multiple myeloma, lymphoma, diabetes, Cushing's disease, hyperthyroidism, osteogenesis imperfecta, and even Marfan's syndrome.

The best medical test on today's market for diagnosing osteoporosis is the DEXA scan. Considered the gold standard by many healthcare providers, the DEXA scan is completely painless for patients and only takes about 10 minutes to perform. The scan uses limited amounts of radiation to scan the bones of the wrist, the spine or the hip to assess general bone density.

This can help your physician to make a definitive diagnosis of osteoporosis as well as help your physician to determine if compared to others in your age and gender control group you have a higher risk of developing an osteoporosis related fracture.

Diagnosing osteoporosis is a fairly straightforward procedure that your general healthcare provider can handle. But even though it is an easy diagnosis to make, it is one that is critical to your overall health.

So as you age and particularly if you are female or if you have other health conditions that put you at risk for osteoporosis, make sure that you work closely with your physician to make sure that you are appropriately screened for osteoporosis.

Diagnosing osteoporosis is one diagnosis that you can't afford for your healthcare provider to miss.

Top 10 Risk Factors For Osteoporosis

Are you at risk for developing osteoporosis? Over 34 billion Americans currently suffer from low bone density that can lead to osteoporosis and potentially deadly bone fractures. Now more than ever, we want to live long and healthy lives, and prolong our active and vibrant quality of life. Knowing whether you are at risk for developing osteoporosis can help you maintain your quality of life well into your senior years.

Anyone can develop osteoporosis, but research has shown that certain people have a higher risk of developing this disabling disease. Here are the top 10 risk factors:

1. Women have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Once a woman is post-menopausal, her risk increases further. Women who have an early or surgically-induced menopause are also at higher risk.

2. Women who are Caucasian or Asian are at a higher risk. If you are thin and have a small frame, your chances of developing osteoporosis increase.

3. Has your mother had a hip fracture or osteoporosis? If so, your risk of hip fracture is doubled.

4. A diet low in calcium, either as an adult or as a child, can increase your risk of developing osteoporosis.

5. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Lack of vitamin D is another risk factor for developing osteoporosis.

6. Smoking cigarettes interferes with the body's ability to absorb calcium.

7. Excessive alcohol consumption also makes it difficult for calcium to be absorbed. Bones will be weaker without sufficient calcium.

8. Lack of weight-bearing exercise, or if you have been unable to walk or exercise for an extended period of time can put you at risk.

9. Long-term use of certain medications can cause osteoporosis. If you have taken certain medications for asthma or arthritis, or have had chemotherapy treatments, check with your doctor to see if you are at risk for osteoporosis.

10. Eating disorders can lead to osteoporosis, because nutrients are not properly absorbed.

If you think you are at risk for developing osteoporosis, see your doctor. Although osteoporosis is a serious disease, there are ways to prevent osteoporosis and the fractures that can result. Your doctor can recommend changes in diet and exercise, regular bone density screenings, and medications that help increase bone density and prevent fractures.

Once you understand the risks of osteoporosis and can address them, you'll be on your way to living a healthy, active lifestyle no matter what your age.

Are you at risk for osteoporosis? Find out how healthy living and exercise can reduce your risk factors for osteoporosis!

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a progressive disease that causes the bones to deteriorate and eventually lead to fractures.

The word osteoporosis defines itself. “Osteo” means bone, and “porosis” means the porous bone structure that results from the gradual loss of bone density. Osteoporosis causes the bones to gradually loose bone mass resulting in porous, brittle bones.

The different causes of osteoporosis usually interrupt the bone remodeling process. An interruption in the bone remodeling process causes the bones to become brittle and thin. To understand osteoporosis, you must understand how this process works.

The actual breaking down and rebuilding of bone tissue is performed by two groups of cells called osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Bone remodeling occurs when small amounts of bone are broken down by cells known as osteoclasts. After the bone has been broken down and reabsorbed in the body, cells known as osteoblasts move in to the area and start building new bone. The process where old bone is reabsorbed and new bone is built is called the remodeling process.

* OsteoclastsThe first group of cells called osteoclasts is responsible for the destruction of existing bone. They appear at a specific area to break down existing bone. Osteoclasts make pinhead holes in the bone to release calcium into the bloodstream which eventually leads to the break down of the bones. The entire process of the bone removal process is referred to as bone resorption.
* OsteoblastsOsteoblasts are the bone building cells of the body. Osteoblasts place a matrix made up of collagen in the tiny holes left by the osteoclasts. The collagen matrix will begin to go through a hardening process, also known as the mineralization phase. During this phase, calcium and phosphorous mix with the collagen matrix in the form of calcium phosphate crystals. The calcium phosphate during this hardening phase contributes to the density in the bones. The process of building bones during the bone remodeling process is known as the bone formation phase.

Osteoporosis is not a natural part of aging. Due to a loss of bone mass and tissue, bones that were once strong may be unable to endure the stress of a normal activity. Basic activities such as bending, twisting or coughing can cause a fracture. Until recently osteoporosis was thought of as a natural part of aging. But there's nothing natural about breaking a bone by simply laughing, coughing or sneezing.
Types of osteoporosis:

* Type I, also known as primary osteoporosis occurs in post-menopausal women, and is due to estrogen deficiency.
* Type II, also known as secondary osteoporosis occurs in both men and women, and is due to aging or calcium deficiency. Type II can also be due to certain diseases, medications or surgical procedures that accelerate bone loss.

The consequences of osteoporosis: Each year osteoporosis is responsible for more than 1.5 million fractures. These fractures usually occur in the spine, hip or wrist, but they may occur in other bones as well. Osteoporosis fractures can be debilitating, painful and sometimes can result in death. Only one-third of the people who break a hip ever return to being as active as they were before the fracture.

Prognosis: There is no cure for osteoporosis. However, there are medications available that help stop the break down of current bone and help aid in rebuilding new bone. Bisphosphonates, hormones (hormone replacement therapy "HRT"),selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), calcitonin and teriparatide are all medications used for treating osteoporosis.